Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jonathan's Waiting on Wednesday

Jessi got on the ball early (as usual) for our first Waiting on Wednesday, so I thought I'd follow and post mine!

I'm actually waiting on two books, the first of which is already released but isn't getting much buzz. It's True, by Hilary Duff and Elise Allen.

I loved the first two. I thought Elixir was paced well, adventurous, and interesting. Devoted was a great follow up, and was nowhere near as boring as some sequels to three part series can be. (I'm looking at you, Crossed by Ally Condie).

I'm excited to see how this series concludes. There's several mysteries to be revealed and (of course) a love triangle to be resolved. Thankfully, the romance comes second to the paranormal and supernatural globetrotting Clea and her crew embark on in the series, and, for me, what sets it apart from similar novels in this genre.

This book was not available when I went to buy it yesterday at Target (too much space devoted to 50 Shades knockoffs I'm guessing), so I may be ordering it from Amazon or manning up and paying full price at Books a Million, or even (shudder) making a solo trip to Walmart.

The second book I'm waiting for releases in August, and it's written by David Levithan. The cover is worth a thousand words, so I will let that do the talking.

I can't wait to read this book based on the cover alone, and I connect to this sort of literature for personal reasons (wink, wink) and I hope that this turns out to be romantic and uplifting. So much literature written for the LGBTQ audience ends with sadness, no matter the age of the intended readers or general plot lines.

This book releases August 27, and as much as I know so far it is about two boys who try to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest kiss. I can't wait to read this. I may preorder it from Amazon so it can come directly to my door and I can lock myself in my room and live vicariously read it as soon as possible.

So now you have two posts for books we are waiting for! Quit being shy and share your own!

 Happy Hump Day!


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